7th Bremen Summer School and Symposium

Dynamical systems - pure and applied, August 5-9, 2019
How to register:
For registration please send an email to Kathryn Lorenz (click on the name; sekr-ks@math.uni-bremen.de) with subject

Registration for the 7th Bremen Summer School and Symposium

and the following information:

First name:
Current position:
Affiliation with complete address:
Email address:

Date of arrival: (dd.mm.yyyy)
Date of departure: (dd.mm.yyyy)

Invitation letter is needed? (yes/no)
Any special requirements:

Do you plan to bring a poster? (yes/no):
For doctoral students: We can host a certain number of contributed talks (see below). Do you want to give a talk? (yes (title, abstract)/no):

We are happy to announce that there will be no conference fee, thanks to a grant from the DFG (German Research Funding Organisation).
For snacks and coffee during the conference, we ask for 10 EUR from each participant.
Please note:
Please register before June 1, 2019, if you are applying to give a talk. Early registration is appreciated. We will try to offer as many doctoral students as possible the opportunity to present their work in a short talk. The number and length of talks will be decided on at the beginning on July. Please register before July 15, 2019 in any case.

Everyone is invited to bring a poster on his/her own research.
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We acknowledge the webpage template designed by Tony Samuel.